Friday 5 April 2013

Blog-A-Day April #4 New Dressing Table

It's been mentioned in previous blog, I have a complete love of Dressing Tables. They are one of my many obsessions. I've been decorating my flat for about a week, buying second hand furniture  and whatnot, but I've actually just been given a really gorgeous dressing table by a friend who was about to throw it out.It's lovely, just a tiny bit plain for my liking so I've decided to personalise it a tad....

This is a picture of the unfinished version, I still need to clean it up a bit round the edges. But overall I'm quite happy with this little 2 hour DIY job. Now I'll feel really special whenever I'm sat at it putting my make up on.

If anyone else has any cool or quirky ways of keeping their make up then I'd love to hear about it!

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