Just wanted to share some thoughts with you today!
Firstly, I would like to thank all the people who have messaged me recently to say that my blog really helps them, I've recieved some really positive comments and the blog - which is still in its infancy- is getting more and more hits daily which makes this feel really worthwhile!
Secondly I would like to throw something out there that has been in disrepute. Recently I had some really uneccessary comments from someone really unimportant about how I'm not 'pretty enough' or 'thin enough' to be a beauty blogger.
It got me thinking, why are women so awful to each other? Most women of the world are not perfect looking. I've been there - I've had a different colour face to my neck, I've had the worst hair days known to man, I've even left the house with only one hand of nails painted before. So what? I can look back now and laugh about it and share my experiences with you. I'd so much rather be that way than in a group of horrible girls who can only focus on how other people look, because they're so insecure about themselves.
Most women aren't perfect, but we go through our daily life striving for a perfect image, striving for a perfect set of white teeth, or to crinkle out the lines in our scrunchy faces, or to vanquish our shiny faces. Here at the lipstick bullet I don't want perfect readers, I want fat women, skinny women, short women tall women, frizzy women. I want women with weird toes and bad acne and dry skin. There's always something to improve, and we're not alone in wanting to fight our demons like that!
Well I'll leave now because it's the wedding tomorrow! The practise makeover's I've been giving have all gone really well and have turned into a nice little earner - a good beauty budget tip is paying friends to do your make up before a big event; most of the time they'll understand your colour pallette alot better than a stranger.
Thanks everyone!x
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